• Subscribe to My list- You Will Receive My Free ebook
    "How To Break The Stress Cycle- And Regain Happiness"

    lebanon,dbayeh highway, near le royal hotel, gss center.
    1-8 pm
    00961 81 460 586
  • Our Number 1 and Unique Program In the Middle East

    Explained in Arabic with English

    Stress healing and Mental Health Healing At home

    You can't afford dozens of sessions with therapists?

    I got you covered! 


    Click Here


    Order my unique and only program available in the market.

    You will receive :

    4 videos , i'm explaining about stress, anxiety, fear, trauma ,panic , add adhd and how to apply solutions using my healing system and by learning EFT AND EMDR.

    -Meditation,breathing, mind body exercices for eradicating stress

    -Positive affirmations videos , my album "stress away" for relaxation

    -My book "how to break the stress cycle"

    -Videos and word document about a perfect nutrition program and supplements to rejuvenate your good brain hormones , healing your digestive disorders & insomnia

    -General tips

    All explained in arabic.

    Order now

    +961 81 460586


    All for the price of one session

    You will receive a link to download all organized material.

    P.s this is not a replacement for a professional consultation.

    But a powerful lifetime booster for all your stress and mental health issues.

    And how to become happy and positive again.

           Click Here


    الصحة العقلية والشفاء من التوتر في المنزل.

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    لقد قمت بتغطيتك!

    اطلب برنامجي الفريد

  • My latest workshop delivered in arabic or mixed.

    only 5 people can join this online private tutoring, each person will have his own time, 6 sessions, twice a week, 2 hours , each. 60% if you join before 21, 30% if you join before 30 Septembre.




    Private 1-on-1 coaching – only 5 spots available! Register this week for a 60% discount. Course starts the week of September 30th.
    Receive 6 personalized sessions (2 hours each, twice a week) offering advanced knowledge in stress counseling, including techniques for managing anxiety, depression, OCD, ADD, personality traits, and disorders.
    Learn EFT, EMDR, Timeline Therapy, NLP techniques, plus breathwork, meditation, and Qi Gong.
    You’ll get 5 PDF books, 100+ client documents, and my special 10-track meditation music album.
    Certified by the CMA (UK).
    For pricing and registration, WhatsApp:
    +961 81 460 586

    Visit: www.jadmehannacoaching.com
    Academy: https://iapdacademy.mystrikingly.com
    Jad Mehanna
    Psychologist, Coach, Counselor
    Holistic Health Practitioner
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    If you are suffering from stress and its symptoms

    Or you would like to remove obstacles to achieve your goals , search no more

    Stress, anxiety , depression , ocd, add, adhd anger and others... can drain your life and cripple it.

    My methods are far more eminent than traditional psychology.

    Because most mental helath therapist neglect , vitamins, minerals, and hormonal deficiencies, besides the ancient wisdom of chinese and india

    is full of great mind-body tool along with modern ones, to gain back control

    over your mind, feelings and emotions.


    00961 81 460586 WhatsApp


    (keep scrolling)

  • Book A Phone or Video Consultation

    or book an appointment (if you live in Lebanon)

    Dbayeh highway, near le royal hotel

     +961 81 460 586 whatsapp Dr. Jad Mehanna / Coach

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    Consult with Jad Mehanna Office , ask your question, and we will reply.
    text Us on whatsapp/Regular Mobile Number +961 81460586

    Perhaps you are interested in finding your life’s purpose, understanding the lessons that you are here to absorb.


    or simply you are over STRESSED and you tried all kind of therapies with no results!!


    because stress is not address from 1 angle only!

    and it does not need many months or years!! (unless it's a deep personality disorder or psychosis that needs psychiatrics' intervention

    I will fully asses your state, symptoms before we start your road to healing.


    besides my studies and expertise as a STRESS and life Coach,

    CBT therapy

    also my knowledge in :

    transformational /spiritual coaching can offer support and guidance in traversing the landscape of life.



    Other topics and issues that you may be encountering


    How do I achieve more fulfillment? How do I cultivate passion and happiness in my life?

    What am I meant to be doing? What work sets my soul on fire?
    Why my Stress is not being healed?


    My Role is to help you make decision that feel in alignment.

    I can assist you in letting go of the restrictions You place on Yourself .

    A Transformational, spiritual coach asks you to show up for yourself, stand in your truth, and spend time uncovering what makes you happy. and therefore Unleash and heal your wounds and STRESS.


    You are Unique, thus your treatment will be Unique and specific for your case. the delicacy and sensitivity of being a human makes the whole difference. there is not one solution (fix-it-all).

    Whether Life, Stress, Transformation, Spiritual coaching, Nutrition, Body therapy, movements, breathing, meditation and other, you will find


    Accepting Oneself, Loving who you REALLY ARE., Working inwardly and outwardly to Transform Your life, is the best gift you can give to yourself.


    Blessings and Peace
    Jad M.

  • Quick Overview of my Services

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    Life and Stress Coaching, Psychology, Counselling

    I offer a unique approach that merges psychology with coaching and counseling, designed to deliver maximum results in minimal sessions. This holistic method goes beyond traditional practices by incorporating blood tests and personalized diet plans to optimize brain function. Additionally, I provide supplements aimed at easing or gradually reducing reliance on medications that may no longer be effective. This comprehensive strategy ensures a more effective and sustainable path to mental well-being.

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    Sacro cranial therapy, chi ne tsang , trigger point

    Sacro cranial therapy, Chi Nei Tsang, and trigger point therapy are powerful techniques that can alleviate stress and promote the natural flow of beneficial hormones in the body. By targeting key areas and restoring balance, these therapies enhance the body's ability to heal and function optimally. Chi Nei Tsang play a crucial role in improving the digestive system, which is fundamental to our mental health. These therapies can be integrated with counseling and coaching for a holistic approach or offered as standalone treatments, tailored to meet individual needs and enhance overall well-being.

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    Meditation, Breathing exercices, Non duality

     Meditation, breathing exercises, and non-duality practices are transformative tools that significantly enhance mental health. These practices promote mindfulness, reduce stress, and foster a deep sense of inner peace and self-awareness. By incorporating these techniques, individuals can achieve greater emotional regulation and mental clarity. They can be seamlessly integrated with counseling and coaching for a comprehensive approach or offered as standalone options, providing flexible and effective pathways to improved mental well-being.

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    About Jad Mehanna

    Jad Mehanna, Mentor,Holistic health practitioner

    Life, Stress , and Spiritual coach.

    Health & STRESS Reduction Coach

    Studied Coaching since 2005, particularly Stress Management+counseling,Holistic Health, Psychology and spiritual coaching, combined with Nutrition and body therapies


    "Once you learn to reach the root of your being, all blockages and stress will vanish" ~Jad M.

    I'm also an
    Accomplished musician, since year 2000, also studied Music therapy.

    My Mission in Life is to helps you connect to who you truly are. I work with you to change/re-direct/navigate your life, uncover your desires, take steps towards your goals, achieve your dreams, bust limiting beliefs, and remove roadblocks.

    Life & Stress Coaching+Psychology

    Holistic health Practitioner and Stress coach,

    Within these fields, i can help you tremendously and professionally in :


    (Anxiety, depression, anger, sadness, mental health issues..chronic pain related to stress..)

    Trust me My program has More depth than any other, cause i have been there! and i target through my expertise all your basic concerns (anxiety, stress, depression, nutrition, pain, etc..) And targets holistically/naturally all your stress issues) (except extreme personality disorders)

    In the first session i will asses your body nutrients, i may refer you to an MD for a blood test, or asses your overall state through a questionnaire, which will provide me also with your brain hormones functioning (serotonin, dopamine, gaba, and other important neuro-transmitters)
    -I will listen to your needs, mental and emotional issues, then we can start your health trip through 5 to 12 session, depending on your case
    by using CBT, Stress Coaching, EFT, NLP, time line therapy, EMDR, and many other techniques such as Meditation, mind-body techniques / tai chi"
    Or even using different coaching modalities

    The root cause can resides in your body, or mind, or your negative beliefs, and thought patterns.

    "when Body , Mind, and Soul are aligned, healing will take place!"



    Jad Mehanna Bio


    Life coach / Stress Counselor
    Certified Holistic health practitioner (C.M.A)
    Nutrition Consultant

    PhD Psychology

    Spiritual teacher
    CBT therapist

    Sacro- Cranial Therapist
    Trigger Point Therapist
    Body movement for Healing
    Music Therapist (healing with Music)



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    More Details about My Protocol and healing system

    How can you benefit from Stress coaching

    Health problems caused or exacerbated by stress include:

    1. Depression and anxiety
    2. Pain of any kind
    3. Sleep problems
    4. Autoimmune diseases
    5. Digestive problems
    6. Skin conditions, such as eczema
    7. Heart disease
    8. Weight problems
    9. Thinking and memory problems

    Signs and symptoms of stress overload

    The most dangerous thing about stress is how easily it can creep up on you. You get used to it. It starts to feel familiar, even normal. You don’t notice how much it’s affecting you, even as it takes a heavy toll. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the common warning signs and symptoms of stress overload.

    Cognitive symptoms:

    • Memory problems
    • Inability to concentrate
    • Poor judgment
    • Seeing only the negative
    • Anxious or racing thoughts
    • Constant worrying

    Emotional symptoms:

    • Depression or general unhappiness
    • Anxiety and agitation
    • Moodiness, irritability, or anger
    • Feeling overwhelmed
    • Loneliness and isolation
    • Other mental or emotional health problems

    Physical symptoms:

    • Aches and pains
    • Diarrhea or constipation
    • Nausea, dizziness
    • Chest pain, rapid heart rate
    • Loss of sex drive
    • Frequent colds or flu

    Behavioral symptoms:

    • Eating more or less
    • Sleeping too much or too little
    • Withdrawing from others
    • Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities
    • Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
    • Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)




    Combining life coaching, stress counseling, psychology, nutritional deficiency checks, and endocrinal system assessments offers a far more powerful approach than traditional psychiatry or psychology alone. Traditional methods often overlook crucial factors like diet and hormonal imbalances, which can significantly impact mental health.


    This integrated approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of each individual's unique needs, promoting real and lasting healing. Additionally, incorporating body therapies such as sacro cranial therapy and meditation further enhances this holistic method, addressing physical and mental aspects simultaneously. This multi-faceted strategy leads to deeper, more effective healing and overall well-being



    In severe cases, I collaborate with psychiatrists or neurologists to re-organize medications under their professional guidance while maintaining a humanitarian approach. This ensures comprehensive care and personalized treatment to address all aspects of your mental health effectively.



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    Stress Management-empowerment Consultancy/Coaching For corporate

    For Corporate and Organizations- Get a copy of my resume. Or contact me for more info.

  • Life topics, Stress issues, Spirituality

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    برنامج متكامل لتحسين حياتك

    How to treat anxiety and fear

    Click on the menu , and visit all my DAILY videos in Arabic

    Tips about Depression

    نصائح للكأبة

    how to stop racing thoughts -توقيف الأفكار السلبية

    Courage and low self esteem - الثقة بالنفس والوضوح

    Why body exercise are important to our mental health along with a good nutrition

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  • My Book :How to break the stress Cycle

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    How to break the stress cycle and regain happiness

    Click to buy from Amazon or contact

    whatsapp 00961 81 460586 to buy this book